History of the College

History of the College

In 1999, The Good Book Company was asked if it would like to administrate the Certificate in Theology from Moore College – a well established distance-learning course from Sydney, Australia. This fitted with the company’s desire to build on the training events it had been running and so the education and training department of the Good Book Company was born.

The Certificate in Theology course soon began to grow quickly and within 5 years, there were nearly 1000 students working on the course at any given moment in time. Students and church leaders alike were very enthusiastic about the impact the course was having on the lives of those who were pursuing it.

It soon became clear, however, that not everyone’s training needs could be met through the provision of a single course. There are those who need a course that starts right from basics – no previous Bible knowledge assumed. And there are those who need to be stretched more in their knowledge, understanding and application. Some need to delve into biblical studies, some benefit more from practical ministry courses. The average congregation has people with a variety of training needs.

And so, in 2006, our first distance-learning college, the Open Bible Institute was born – a thoroughly bible-centred college that helped churches train both their experienced and inexperienced members alike. A distance-learning college that was flexible enough to fit into people’s busy schedules – with fees that don’t put a strain on people’s pockets. But also a college that never skimped on academic rigour and faithful Bible exposition.

The Open Bible Institute went from strength to strength over a period of 6 years but the name made us sound quite separate from our parent company, The Good Book Company. So, in 2012, we decided to rebrand and The Good Book College was launched!

Now, offering an even wider range of study material, The Good Book College is looking forward to serving Christians and local churches by offering biblical, practical, accessible courses for many years to come.

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact The Good Book College offices.